Thursday, June 7, 2007


Funny thing to know that what comes around really goes around.I dropped by at my ex blog and kinda browsed on the entries.I was suprised to know that he was rejected and was in pain.I know it wasnt right but something in me the sense that I felt vindicated.For all the pain he caused me...or more like for all the love I have given but got nothing in return.I thought I'll pity him coz hes feeling sorry but I guess gone are the days when I was still into him...pining over what could've been...Time may not be the sole factor in moving on but it definitely helped me realize that I deserve more.That theres no point in holding on to the past because its just like that...the past.And no amount of holding on could continue everything that was destroyed.
I used to think that love will never end.That we would grow old together.But I guess things arent really going the way we wanted it before.At least on my part...But thats ok.It took me a year to move on and those dark times made me dig deeper into my emotions and made me hope for a better one who will come along despite the thorns that pierced my heart.
To you,I have loved you with all my life until I read your blog.It made me realize that we really should part ways-emotionally.No more whining on my part...It maybe so cruel of me to smile secretly after knowing youre in pain but thats just the way it is...I need some sign.Cold and cruel it may seem but in your pain I was able to free my soul from the chains of your memory.Ill never forget the happy times but thats just about it.a pale shade of you...I have moved on FINALLY...and its good to be back and smell the freshness of new possibilities.

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