Friday, July 27, 2007

Getting a job and Ms. Attention Deficit Syndrome

I got a new job last monday...God is really sooo good.Plus the fact that I realized how my husband loves me that much.He rooted for me to just go on coz he knows I'll get it.I never told my parents though...Ill just suprise them with money from my first salary.
The batch that I was in was pretty ok.except for one girl who has an attention deficit syndrome.I thought she was ok the first time thats why I gave in to her friendship.Wrong decision.I think I resurrected Cruella deVille.
Lets call her that.Ms Deville thinks that shes all that...the powers that be so to speak.Always knows everything.I couldve just ignored it when the most dreadful thing happened.She made a not so nice comment after I expressed my opinion.You know how Goddesses get back when offended right?...=)
I kept my cool but deep inside I was seething with anger.How could this organism impose on me and act as if shes the center of the universe?It didnt stopped there...She even questioned the credibility of our trainer for just an added point in our test!!! how rude and shallow headed can you get?!!!
I'll keep my cool and just ignore her for the following days to come.After all,she is not the reason why I'm there.I've got a career to focus on to and my lovelife.Im complete.I just dont know about her...And I dont care.

P.S. Im still thinking of crashing her skull
and smearing her brainbits on the wall...
Now,that would be fun, wouldnt it?hehe


Anonymous said...

Found my way from PGB. Good read. And good luck with your new job. But boy, you sure got teeth. Way to go! :)

chase / chubz said...

let me help you with the skull crashing.. i hate ppl who think they'r superior. and boast about it.
keep it to yourself gurl!

congrats sa job!

Kai Santorino said...

yan ang hirap sa call center industry talaga... daming bata..bata meaning unprofessional and too immature. hay