This happened last friday....And boy! was I suprised!!!
You see,Im in an exclusive boys boarding house...And you get to be surrounded by dozens of guys 24/7. Imagine 5 floors full of guys everyday and you get the picture.
Im staying in the 3rd floor.Well, to cut the story short...The buff guy Ive been crushing on in the 2nd floor went up to my floor. At that time I was on my way to work...we almost collided in the receiving area.He smiled at me and asked If I can give him a quick massage.Thinking that I still have 3 hours to kill..I nodded and asked him where. He asked me if its ok in my room.Since my boardmate is not around,I said yes.Off we went.
...And I have a feeling that this is not just going to be 'just massage'.
Well...he lied down on my bed...removed his board shorts and kept his bikini brief on while I stood there trying to keep my sanity intact and my drool from fallin. You see I have a HUGE crush on this guy eversince we've met .Hes Buff, Chinito and hairy.36 years old and stands 6'1ht.One of the tallest guys in the boarding house.
...ok...back to my story...
He smiled and asked me to massage his body...Well,I was shaking while doing the massage because of his bautiful body.God!!! the muscles are all firm....he closed his eyes and moans occasionally when I hit some spots on his chest muscles.He seemed to relax...
...or so I thought...
When I was massaging his abs down to his legs...I started nocticing a huge bulge bumping my arm...I smiled and he was a bit emabrassed.He smiled sheepishly at me while apologizing.Saying that he cant control his hard on because my massage is just awesome...Well...I told him its normal...some guys get a hard on while being massaged.
He answered me back'...but not like this...'and pulled down his bikini brief.
I found myself staring at I tthink looks like a 6.5 huge cock with pre cum already ....His precum is starting to trickle down to his pubes....
He asked me...'please help me...Id go crazy if you not gonna blow me....'
...My sanity went flying out of the window with those mere words...
I started sucking him ...firm but gentle while licking his cock...He held my head and face fuck me in return...slowly moving his hips then gradually picking up the speed until he was slamming his cock in my face.....He was moaning like hell....
and then he groaned he was about to come...
With one thrust...he spurted the first on my mouth...I pulled it out and the cock spurted madly like some geyser...drenching my cheeks and his chest with sweetish cum....
After that I wiped him dry...and I went to clean my mouth...brushed and all.He fixed himself and then went towards me..and to my suprise...He kissed me sweetly...
He whispered something in my ear that sent my knees to jelly..
it went on like ' I love the way you did it...thanks...lets do this again...'
I stared at this hunk..while asking.... ' You sure...?'
He answered with a smile... ' Im all yours....blow me anytime you want...'
wow! nice dorm!
i truly love your posting type, very remarkable,
don't quit and keep posting for the simple reason that it just worth to look through it,
impatient to look at more and more of your current articles, have a pleasant day :)
very nice. i hope to hear more stories from the dorm :)
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