Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pandora's box 2009

... Time really flies fast when your particularly apathetic about it.Well,I couldnt care less..but it seems that it was just yesterday when I got my first 2009 heartbreak circa January...and the things that made up my 2009 upon retrospect are worth's some...

Same old shit..just new assholes to face.It never fails to amuse me how some people cant just accept that there are and there will always be people better than them. And there are still people who have grown physically but left their brains in their 3rd grade classrooms...and theres no way you can play Mother theresa to them.let them be...their happy being pathetic.

No matter how much and how deep you conceal yourself and your true will shine thru and this would come in the most awkward circumstances...

How many times I have promised not to fall again... and by some warped humor of Venus,finds myself entangled again with another guy..Whew,this is tiring.But an enjoyable ride.

If you really wanna do something...then dont just sit there and wonder what will be the outcome...By all means go get your ass and do whatevers gonna be the result,you aint gonna be sittin wondrin what couldve been...

Dont be stingy about the things that you owe it to yourself to be happy...and aim for the things that you really want and will make you really happy...

its ok to be different once in a while...but never try to change your identity...just complement it with these changes to bring out your individuality.


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